Among a variety of possibilities, we can, for example, look at the frequencies of the words contained in the corpus or examine the corpus for recurring themes it contains.
First we need to import all the required libraries once again. The Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) gives us access to a variety of natural language processing functions (e.g. tokenisation, stop word removal, part-of-speech tagging, …).
[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to /root/nltk_data...
[nltk_data] Unzipping tokenizers/
When analysing word frequencies, we can use stop word lists to ignore words that occur frequently but are not relevant to us. We can easily download such a list. However, this can also be individually adapted to the purpose.
In [5]:
# Retrieve Stopwords from Githubsw_json = requests.get('')
Now we can tokenise the existing text, remove the stop words or punctuation marks they contain, convert the words to lower case, or use bi-grams in addition to single-word tokens.
We then sum up the occurrences of the individual words and make the results available in a DataFrame.
In [7]:
def word_freq(text, punctuation=False, stop_words =False, lowercasing =False, bigrams =False):if punctuation:# Tokenizing, removing punctuation tokens = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+').tokenize(text) # Tokenizing, w/o removing punctuation# tokens = text.split() tokens = word_tokenize(text)if stop_words:# Removing Stopwords tokens = [w for w in tokens ifnot w.lower() in stop_words]if lowercasing:# Lower-Casing tokens = [w.lower() for w in tokens]if bigrams:# Converting text tokens into bigrams tokens = nltk.bigrams(tokens)# Creating Data Frame freq = nltk.FreqDist(tokens) # display(freq) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(freq, orient='index') df.columns = ['Frequency'] ='Term'# Here we calculate the total number of tokens in our Frequency List total_tokens =sum(freq.values()) # sum([2,3,4,5,6])# Here we add a new column `Relative` (*100 for percentage) df['Relative'] = (df['Frequency'] / total_tokens) *100return df
In [17]:
from pathlib import Pathimport os#@markdown Do you want bigrams included?bigrams =True#@param {type:"boolean"}#@markdown Should all words get lower cased before counting the occurances?lowercasing =True#@param {type:"boolean"}#@markdown Do you want to exclude stopwords in your result list?stopwords =True#@param {type:"boolean"}#@markdown Do you want to remove punctuation before counting the occurances?punctuation =True#@param {type:"boolean"}
In [18]:
# Load stopwords file if necessaryif stopwords: stopwords = sw_json.json()# Read source file and concat all textstext =' '.join(list(df[text_column]))# Call word_freq() with specified parametersdf_freq = word_freq(text, punctuation = punctuation, stop_words = stopwords, lowercasing = lowercasing, bigrams = bigrams)# Sort results for descending valuesdf_freq = df_freq.sort_values("Relative", ascending =False)display(df_freq[0:10])
(jüdisches, leben)
(allerheiligen, allerseelen)
(ilse, aigner)
(bayerischer, landtag)
(klare, haltung)
(wünschen, einfach)
(vaters, freundschaftliche)
(tod, vaters)
(günter, tod)
(schwiegervater, günter)
One way to visualise word frequencies and recurring themes of texts are word clouds. These basically show the most frequently occurring words in the text (similar to the table created earlier), but more frequently occurring words are depicted larger than less frequently occurring words.
First, we have to install the necessary library wordcloud.
In [10]:
!pip install -q wordcloud
The actual implementation of this approach is relatively simple. We need to combine all the texts into a single text, as we did in the previous step with the frequency analysis, and pass it to the imported library.
In [11]:
from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDSdef generate_wordcloud(text, path): text =' '.join(list(text))# Generate a word cloud image wordcloud = WordCloud(background_color="white",width=1920, height=1080).generate(text)# Dazugehörige Grafik erstellen plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear") # Auflösung/Interpolation der Grafik plt.axis("off") plt.figtext(0.5, 0.1, wordcloud_subcaption, wrap=True, horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=12) plt.savefig(path, dpi=300)
Once again, we have the option of adjusting various parameters. Remember to specify the right file path, file name and column of your text data!
In [12]:
#@markdown Input for additional stopwords; whitespace separatedstopwords_extension_wc =''#@param {type: "string"}#@markdown Subcaption for the wordcloud, leave blank to ignorewordcloud_subcaption ='Markus S\xF6der'#@param {type: "string"}
Now all we have to do is load the stop word file, add our own additions and then trigger the creation of the word cloud using the function we created at the beginning.
The result image is saved in the defined data_path.
In [14]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport requests# Retrieve Stopwords from Githubr = requests.get('')stop_words = r.json()# Convert input into liststopwords_extension_wc_list = stopwords_extension_wc.split(' ')stop_words.extend(stopwords_extension_wc_list)# Stopwörter in die WordCloud ladenSTOPWORDS.update(stop_words)generate_wordcloud(df[text_column], 'wordcloud.png')