!zip -r /content/drive/MyDrive/2024-01-09-Bauernproteste/2024-01-09-Images-Clean.zip media
Unzip the image files, e.g. from your Drive.
In [3]:
Import the CSV-File exported from Gephi. Set sample_size
to your desired number, I recommend a low number, e.g. 5.
In [54]:
import pandas as pd
= "/content/drive/MyDrive/2024-01-09-Bauernproteste/2024-01-11-Google-Vision-Graph-w-modclasses.csv" #@param {type:"string"}
gephi_file = 5
sample_size = pd.read_csv(gephi_file) gephi_df
Render the Sample: Hit run for the next cell to create an HTML view of image classifications. The HTML will also be saved to file, check the files in the left pane for a file named {formatted_date}-Gephi-Mod-Classes-Visualisation.html
to download the document to your computer. The file includes the base64
encoded images.
In [6]:
# See linked notebook for code.