Read the LabelStudio Annotations from file

Enter the location (e.g. on Google Drive) of your exported json file and run this cell. It loads the annotations in a long format into the variable all_annotations_df.


This version does not handle reviews!


This version has been tested with binary classifications. Other types of nominal data should work out of the box for interrater agreement, model evaluation needs some refactoring!

human_annotations_json = '/content/drive/MyDrive/2024-01-04-Text-Annotation-Sample.json' # @param {type:"string"}

import json

with open(human_annotations_json, 'r') as f:
  j =
  exported_annotations = json.loads(j)

import pandas as pd
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm

def process_result(result, coder, md):
    value_type = result.get('type', "")
    metadata = {
        "coder": coder,
        "from_name": result.get('from_name', "")
    annotations = []
    if value_type == "choices":
        choices = result['value'].get('choices', [])
        for choice in choices:
            r = {**metadata}
            r['value'] = choice
    elif value_type == "taxonomy":
        taxonomies = result['value'].get('taxonomy', [])
        for taxonomy in taxonomies:
            if len(taxonomy) > 1:
                taxonomy = " > ".join(taxonomy)
            elif len(taxonomy) == 1:
                taxonomy = taxonomy[0]
            r = {**metadata}
            r['value'] = taxonomy
    return annotations

all_annotations = []

for data in tqdm(exported_annotations):
    annotations = data.get("annotations")
    metadata = {

    for annotation in annotations:
      coder = annotation['completed_by']['id']
      results = annotation.get("result")
      if results:
        for result in results:
          all_annotations.extend(process_result(result, coder, metadata))
        print("Skipped Missing Result")

all_annotations_df = pd.DataFrame(all_annotations)
# Check the dataframe
Text uuid Filename Identifier coder from_name value
0 CDU #SOFORTPROGRAMM MITTELSTANDSPAKET WIR MACH... 3733 cdu/2021-09-13_15-01-28_UTC.jpg CTxB6cMKe2U 13724 Positioning True
1 CDU #SOFORTPROGRAMM MITTELSTANDSPAKET WIR MACH... 3733 cdu/2021-09-13_15-01-28_UTC.jpg CTxB6cMKe2U 13724 Call to Action False
2 CDU #SOFORTPROGRAMM MITTELSTANDSPAKET WIR MACH... 3733 cdu/2021-09-13_15-01-28_UTC.jpg CTxB6cMKe2U 13724 Documentation False
3 CDU #SOFORTPROGRAMM MITTELSTANDSPAKET WIR MACH... 3733 cdu/2021-09-13_15-01-28_UTC.jpg CTxB6cMKe2U 13724 OCR False
4 CDU #SOFORTPROGRAMM MITTELSTANDSPAKET WIR MACH... 3733 cdu/2021-09-13_15-01-28_UTC.jpg CTxB6cMKe2U 7379 Positioning True

Contingency Table

We select one coding in this step (e.g. Positioning) and create a contingency table where each annotated item (text, image) occupies one row and each coder one column. The identifier should be set to a unique column, like uuid or Filename.

Enter the from_name for the variable you’re interested in at the moment. (Refer to your LabelStudio Interface for the right from_name).

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from_name = 'Positioning'
identifier = 'uuid'

filtered_df = all_annotations_df[all_annotations_df['from_name'].str.contains(from_name, case=False)]

def to_bool(val):
  if isinstance(val, bool):
    return val
  if isinstance(val, str):
    return val.lower() == "true"

  return bool(val)

values = filtered_df['value'].unique()
identifier_values = filtered_df[identifier].unique()

contingency_matrix = pd.crosstab(filtered_df[identifier], filtered_df['coder'], values=filtered_df['value'], aggfunc='first')
contingency_matrix = contingency_matrix.reindex(identifier_values)
# Let's take a look at the contigency table. We refer to each coder using a pseudonymous number.
coder 7107 7379 10506 13724
3733 NaN True True True
4185 False True True NaN
530 NaN True False True
2721 NaN False False False
3384 NaN False False False

Calculate Pairwise \(\kappa\)

Let’s calculate Cohen’s Kappa for each coder pair.

from sklearn.metrics import cohen_kappa_score

# Function to calculate Cohen's Kappa for each pair of raters
def calculate_kappa(matrix):
    raters = matrix.columns
    kappa_scores = []
    for i in range(len(raters)):
        for j in range(i+1, len(raters)):
            rater1, rater2 = raters[i], raters[j]
            # Drop NA values for the pair of raters
            pair_matrix = matrix[[rater1, rater2]].dropna()
            # Skip pairs without overlaps
            if len(pair_matrix) > 0:
              kappa = cohen_kappa_score(pair_matrix[rater1], pair_matrix[rater2])
                  "Coder 1": rater1,
                  "Coder 2": rater2,
                  "Kappa": kappa,
                  "Overlap": len(pair_matrix),
                  "Coding": from_name
    return kappa_scores

kappa_scores = calculate_kappa(contingency_matrix)
kappa_scores_df = pd.DataFrame(kappa_scores)
# Let's display the pairwise Kappa agreements.
Coder 1 Coder 2 Kappa Overlap Coding
0 7107 7379 0.469027 20 Positioning
1 7107 10506 0.782609 20 Positioning
2 7379 10506 0.669500 50 Positioning
3 7379 13724 0.888889 30 Positioning
4 10506 13724 0.714286 30 Positioning

Overall Agreement: Krippendorff’s \(\alpha\)

Next, we calculate the overall agreement using Krippendorffs Alpha. First we need to install the package.

!pip install krippendorff
Collecting krippendorff
  Downloading krippendorff-0.6.1-py3-none-any.whl (18 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy<2.0,>=1.21 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from krippendorff) (1.23.5)
Installing collected packages: krippendorff
Successfully installed krippendorff-0.6.1
import krippendorff
import pandas as pd

def convert_to_reliability_data(matrix):
    transposed_matrix = matrix.T
    reliability_data = []
    for _, ratings in transposed_matrix.iterrows():
    return reliability_data

reliability_data = convert_to_reliability_data(contingency_matrix)

# Calculating Krippendorff's Alpha treating "Unsure" as a distinct category
alpha = krippendorff.alpha(reliability_data=reliability_data, level_of_measurement='nominal')

print("Krippendorff's Alpha:", alpha)
Krippendorff's Alpha: 0.6977687626774848

Majority Decision

One approach to assess the quality of machine labelled data is the comparison between machine-generated labels and human-generated labels, commonly known as “gold standard” labels. This process is called “label agreement” or “inter-rater agreement” and is widely used in various fields, including natural language processing, machine learning, and computational social science.

We are going to use create a majority_decision column using the human annotations: We have chosen an uneven number of annotators in order to find a majority for each label. First, we are going to create a contingency table (or matrix), then we can determine the majority decision.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Each row represents an item, and each column a decision from a different annotator.

# Step 1: Find the mode (most common decision) for each row
# The mode is used as it represents the majority decision.
# decisions will have the most frequent value in each row, handling ties by keeping all modes.
decisions = contingency_matrix.mode(axis=1)

# Step 2: Extract the primary mode (first column after mode operation)
# This represents the majority decision. If there's a tie, it takes the first one.
majority_decisions = decisions.iloc[:, 0]

## Warning: This part needs some refactoring. Will be updated shortly.
# Step 3: Count the number of non-NaN values (actual decisions) per row, excluding the first column
# Use .iloc[:, 1:] to exclude the first column
# row_non_nan_counts = contingency_matrix.iloc[:, 1:].notnull().sum(axis=1)

# Step 4: Invalidate the majority decision where the number of decisions is insufficient or even
# Majority decisions are only considered valid if there are more than 2 decisions and the number of decisions is odd.

# Define a condition for invalidating rows
# invalid_rows_condition = (row_non_nan_counts < 3) | (row_non_nan_counts % 2 == 0)

# Step 5: Append the majority decision as a new column in the contingency matrix
# This column now represents the aggregated decision from the annotators per item.
contingency_matrix['Majority Decision'] = majority_decisions
coder 7107 7379 10506 13724 Majority Decision
3733 NaN True True True True
4185 False True True NaN True
530 NaN True False True True
2721 NaN False False False False
3384 NaN False False False False

Import computational annotations Reading the GPT annotations. Enter the correct file path below. coding_column needs to point to the column with you computational annotations, annotated_identifier to an id / filename that has been passed to LabelStudio project. The annotations are merged with the classifications based on annotated_identifier, in my case uuid.

annotated_file = '/content/drive/MyDrive/2024-01-04-Text-Annotation-Sample.csv'
coding_column = 'Positioning'
annotated_identifier = 'uuid' 

annotated_df = pd.read_csv(annotated_file)
Unnamed: 0 Text Post Type Positioning uuid
0 54 Gemeinsam als #eineUnion stehen wir für eine ... Post True 54
1 200 Wir wünschen allen Schülerinnen und Schüler... Post True 200
2 530 Fränkisches Essen gibt Kraft: Nach einem Mitt... Post False 530
3 707 Kleines Zwischenfazit zum #TvTriell. Post False 707
4 899 In einem paar Tagen sind Wahlen, wichtige Wahl... Story False 899
contingency_table = pd.merge(contingency_matrix, annotated_df[['uuid', coding_column]], left_on=identifier, right_on=annotated_identifier, how='left')
contingency_table.rename(columns={coding_column: "Model"}, inplace=True)
uuid 7107 7379 10506 13724 Majority Decision Model
0 3733 NaN True True True True True
1 4185 False True True NaN True True
2 530 NaN True False True True False
3 2721 NaN False False False False False
4 3384 NaN False False False False False

Let’s suppose we’re dealing with binary data. We convert all value to binary, in order to be able to compare them correctly.


The cell below needs refactoring for different type of data. In case of nominal data inside strings it might be enough to skip the cell below. A custom solution is needed for more complex use cases. Additionally, make sure to adopt the majority decision cells to any changes down here and vice versa.

# Function to convert a column to boolean if it's not already
def convert_to_bool(column):
    if contingency_table[column].dtype != 'bool':
        bool_map = {'True': True, 'False': False}
        return contingency_table[column].map(bool_map)
    return contingency_table[column]

# Convert columns to boolean if they are not already
contingency_table['Majority Decision']= convert_to_bool('Majority Decision')
contingency_table['Model'] = convert_to_bool('Model')

Let’s quickly check pairwise agreement between the Model and Majority Decision using Cohen’s Kappa:

kappa_scores = calculate_kappa(contingency_table[['Majority Decision', 'Model']])
Coder 1 Coder 2 Kappa Overlap Coding
0 Majority Decision Model 0.831461 50 Positioning

Machine Learning Metrics

Finally, let’s calculate Accuracy, Precision, and F1 Score and plot a confusion matrix.

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score
from IPython.display import display, Markdown

# Calculating metrics
accuracy = accuracy_score(contingency_table['Majority Decision'], contingency_table['Model'])
precision = precision_score(contingency_table['Majority Decision'], contingency_table['Model'], average='binary')
recall = recall_score(contingency_table['Majority Decision'], contingency_table['Model'], average='binary')
f1 = f1_score(contingency_table['Majority Decision'], contingency_table['Model'], average='binary')

# Creating a DataFrame for the metrics
metrics_df = pd.DataFrame({
    'Metric': ['Accuracy', 'Precision', 'Recall', 'F1 Score'],
    'Value': [accuracy, precision, recall, f1]

# Displaying the DataFrame as a table
Metric Value
0 Accuracy 0.940000
1 Precision 1.000000
2 Recall 0.769231
3 F1 Score 0.869565
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Generate the confusion matrix
cm = confusion_matrix(contingency_table['Majority Decision'], contingency_table['Model'])

# Plotting the confusion matrix
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
sns.heatmap(cm, annot=True, fmt='d', cmap='Blues', xticklabels=['False', 'True'], yticklabels=['False', 'True'])
plt.title('Confusion Matrix')
plt.xlabel('Predicted Label')
plt.ylabel('True Label')